From bird guns to defensive fight stoppers, Ballistic's Best Shotguns 2024 showcases the very best shotguns on the market.
From duty to concealed carry and competition, we fully tested the very best single- and double-stack pistols for Ballistic's Best 1911s 2024!
The new CANiK METE MC9L increases capacity and overall size, answering the question: Is bigger better? Spoiler alert: In this case, yes.
We put thousands of rounds downrange testing 11 great EDC blasters to determine the Ballistic's Best Compact Handguns 2024 winner!
The Springfield Echelon 4.0C is a solid EDC option. The pistol retains all the great aspects of the original, but now in a compact frame.
Featuring a compact design and double-action/single-action operation, CZ releases the carry-friendly P-09 C Nocturne.
Featuring a compact carbon fiber frame, the R7 MAKO from Kimber is a solid upgrade to the original R7 platform.
Running the Mossberg 940 Pro Tactical Thunder Ranch Edition at the Thunder Ranch shotgun course provided a true defensive test.
Running and gunning with AK rifles during the Red Oktober Cold War match proved just how reliable the Kalashnikov really is!
Entering the Glock clone market, Bear Creek Arsenal releases its first Glock clone with the Grizzly. Is it better than a Glock 17?
As if the Bond Arms Cyclops in .45-70 wasn’t enough, the company released the “Thumper” in .50 AE. So, of course, I had to shoot it, too.